What does Fashion Keeda mean?
Fashion Keeda
Noun | /ˈfaʃ(ə)n/ /kiːdə/ |
:: Worm of Fashion
:: Someone who enjoys fashion
:: Someone who feeds their imagination on everything related to fashion
The word “Keeda” comes from the Hindi language and it is used to refer to “insects” or “bugs”. In India, this word has many interesting usage, and is heavily used for a variety of meanings in popular slang across the country.
The combination word “Fashion Keeda” is a play on the word “a bookworm”. Fashion Keeda could be described as someone who is passionate about fashion and spends a lot of time and efforts into exploring and creating interesting and thought-provoking discourses on topics related to fashion.
A “Fashion Keeda” understands that fashion is not just a frivolity but it’s a way of how one lives.

“The truly fashionable are beyond fashion.”
Cecil Beaton

“Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
Coco Chanel
What is Fashion Keeda
and Who is it for?
Fashion Keeda is an idea-sharing and thought leadership content platform for fashion, entertainment & lifestyle related themes and topics. It serves its readers with an array of articles written in various forms such as well-researched posts, thought pieces, opinion pieces, analysis-oriented.
Here, the readers would find how our lives, thought processes and our surroundings are shaped by our fashion. We also dig into existential questions like how fashion impacts and gets impacted by a certain time in history, or how fashion is interspersed with politics, society, economics, capitalism, technology, and our individual values and beliefs.
Fashion Keeda is a platform for intellectual discourse on how fashion is so much a part of our everyday lives, even when not practiced consciously or intentionally.
So if you’re hungry for well-written content on themes fashion, entertainment and lifestyle beyond your run-of-the-mill content in space, then you’re at the right platform right now.
Fashion Keeda is also the right platform if you’ve interests aligned with us as explained above, have an individual and authentic voice and would like to contribute as a content creator.

"Great stories happen to those who can tell them."
Ira Glass
Our Story
In 2011, Fashion Keeda originally germinated (pun intended) as an idea when it’s founder Ritu Jhajharia, was working on her entry to national level Business Plan Competition while pursuing her Post Graduate Diploma in Management with majors in Marketing, Communications and Brand Management.
Ritu originally conceptualized Fashion Keeda as an erstwhile futuristic e-commerce platform that will utilize the power of technology to bring ultimate customization to its users. The then novel idea was imagined as a powerful
e-commerce engine as a complete fashion customization solution, where people could order and get completely customized and high quality fashion solutions tailored to their taste, preferences and size measurements. The business plan was shortlisted as a final entry in the competition and received a special mention as the “Idea of the future.”
The idea then stuck with her, and she decided to see if she could pursue it in some way. Still a student in her twenties, with a piling education loan in India, she found herself terribly short on resources even to pivot. These were the times when entrepreneurship was still not the “it” thing, or rather frowned upon, campus placements in corporations were the holy grail of higher education, and e-commerce was yet to make its mark on Indian Retail industry. So she decided to simplify and tweak her idea and pivot into a simpler version of it.
She eventually launched Fashion Keeda using a Facebook Page in 2012, as a platform to purchase authentic artisanal fashion and lifestyle products sourced, handpicked and curated straight from the artists from various parts of the country. Hailing from the rich cultural background of Rajasthan in India, she was often asked by her friends and colleagues to bring various fabrics, prints, accessories, clothing and show pieces from her native place. She thought it would be nice if there is a central place where people from all over the world can find these cultural items, not just from Rajasthan but from across India.
This would also provide an accessible and direct platform to the artisans to showcase and sell their products directly to willing customers and make a good living out their art. It could potentially also help save some dying arts where artists are making very little money despite huge demand for their work.
The business plan centered around this idea won third place and an offer for incubation and angel investment for seed-funding, in the national competition organized by e-Cell of a prestigious college. However, the situation didn’t allow her to accept the generous offer at that time. We also exhibited in the annual exhibition organized in Ahmedabad, Gujarat by Dr Mallika Sarabhai and were featured by the local press for the unique idea to promote art in India and for the beautiful products in the exhibit.
Fast forward to a few years down the line, Fashion Keeda has evolved into and is growing as a content platform on ideas related to fashion, entertainment and lifestyle.

"Timeless, effortless, comfortable and uniquely individual style - that's what defines fashion for me."
Ritu Jhajharia
Ritu is the force behind Fashion Keeda and has created and nurtured it from the scratch. Fashion Keeda was the first step towards fulfilling her entrepreneurial quest and it provided her with a platform to learn everything and make as many mistakes as she could before taking the plunge as a full-time entrepreneur.
Ritu is a creator with a science and technology background and embodies the perfect blend of both the right and left sides of her brain. She believes, “Art is a form of Science and Science is a form of Art. You can’t separate one from another and create anything meaningful.” She writes, dances, reads, travels, cooks, designs, speaks on public platforms, teaches and trains all the while running Fashion Keeda and her full-time business, The Rolling Circle.
She has successfully boot-strapped her communications venture, The Rolling Circle, into a profitable business, and is currently working on growing it to the next level. She often finds herself in the reverie of becoming a successful published author someday and to retire into a life of writing and creating content that pulls at the heart strings of its audience.